Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Babysitter Michael Plumadore Allegedly Chopped Up Aliahna Lemmon With Hacksaw: Cops

After reading this article, I began surfing through the comments.  Most of them were as expected, short descriptions of how horrible the crime was and sending blessings to the spirit of the young girl.  I said mine silently to her as I have for so many others who have been victimized in this manner.  Then there were the others that were also of the usual content, filled with corrections toward those that either did not read the article completely or did not read the other related articles.

Regardless.  I usually don’t respond to a great deal of these particular articles, mostly because there is in reality not enough space allowed to fully address whatever it is that I would like say about it.  Which is another reason that I have connected my blog to Huffington Post, I have more room to rant about a given subject than the allotted 240 character maximum allowed on the comments board.

Today however, it is not so much the article itself that grieves me.  Reading through the comments I found one posted by someone calling themselves ‘blindtoreason’ which I also found to be a bit of an oxymoron.  While I was in complete agreement when I first began reading this persons comment, all the way up to the point when I finished the first sentence.

Their comment is as follows: 

[Quote] Hey MiloMilano­, (and the rest of you)... how do I know that you are not a sex offender that just hasn't been caught yet? Should I let my kids hang around you? Can't anyone make an intelligen­t comment concerning how we are to resolve the issue of creating sex offenders and murders, etc... in the first place? WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBL­E FOR WHAT HAPPENED to Aliahna Lemmon; and yet, we just keep sticking our heads in the sand. And as for Tonee Belize, you might want to take a census on how many black men are residing in prison right now for rape & murder... [End Quote]

To which I replied:

[Quote] I am on here every day and I read about a lot of heinous crimes committed all across the country.  I also read a lot of really ‘out there’ comments about them as well and normally I do not respond to a larger majority of them.  However I found this one to be personally offensive.  I have spent the last 27 years of my life fighting against sex crimes regardless of the victim.  The last five years have been spent zealously assisting in identifying, tracking and assisting in the successful prosecution of pedophiles who use the internet as their own playground to entice children into a dark world of horrors.  Therefore, I DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY for what happened to this child.  I am so very  thankful that I am only one of thousands who have NOT STUCK MY HEAD IN THE SAND.   Have a nice day. [End Quote]

Additionally however, there is so much more that I would have loved to have added to my comment, shortened only by the character restrictions.

I completely understand how people can become so outraged concerning various crimes, these types of crimes especially.  Unfortunately these broad, sweeping comments are as "Blind to Reason" as many of the other posts I read on that comment board today.  I would never presume to judge every single person on any discussion board much less contrive to analyze why criminals do the things they do and then to hand out blame to everyone else rather that the perpetrators themselves.

During the course of my first year as a Criminal Justice student there were a number of classes that discussed the various theories surrounding this very topic.  While I will admit that my own personal viewpoints regarding crime and criminals underwent some form of evolution as a student, I cannot say that my opinions have actually been altered that much.  I am still essentially a supporter of the Rational Choice Theory when it comes to the greater majority of crimes, sex related crimes included.   I believe that these criminals know that what they are doing is wrong, perhaps not in the same context of the term wrong, but they understand that it is wrong nonetheless.

When various groups stop coddling these individuals and start treating them like the criminals they are, then perhaps there can be more progress made in the direction of preventing others from committing these crimes.  These people made a choice to commit these crimes.  We no longer live in the dark ages, information is out there for everyone to read, see and hear.  There is absolutely no acceptable excuse or reason for these people to even remotely believe that they will not be punished for these crimes.  They know they were wrong in committing them, otherwise they would not be lying to cover up their actions.

There is a special place in Hell for people like Michael Plumadore and anyone else like him.

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Monday, December 26, 2011