Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sex Offenders Fight For Right To Use Facebook
This is an extremely volatile issue in many areas. I can see the concerns and the issues on both sides. Personally I like the idea of severely limiting convicted pedophiles from access to children. However, I also understand that this is a very difficult task in this digital age. I am also aware of the fact that while Facebook requires users to be technically above the age of a juvenile in order to open an account, we all know people that allow children as young as 9 and 10 to have accounts. I don't know anything about how MySpace or the others handle this as I do not participate in them.
Unfortunately that single fact makes this even more difficult. I think if Facebook would assist in this issue by developing some way of establishing and verifying that parental consent was provided to their child in order to have a Facebook page then the childs' true age would be displayed. Laws could then be created that required all of these convicted offender's to register their Facebook page with an outside independent agency that had the ability to randomly visit their pages and view all of their friends. If there is anyone there that falls into their restricted area there is cause to force them to deactivate their account and be treated the same as if they violated probation. It's not the complete answer but it would be a start.
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Mitt Romney's Popularity Spikes Among Women Voters
And I suppose your advice to young men would be to tie a knot in it? Excuse me but your rhetoric goes beyond the arcane. This is the 21st Century and we cannot afford the stagnation effect of conservatism.
About Barack Obama 2012
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Is the Death Penalty Ever Justified?
As a Criminal Justice student my opinion has gone back and forth on the issue of the Death Penalty. Having come to a better understanding of the mechanics of the judicial and court systems, I am currently holding the opinion that the Death Penalty should remain available as an option that is reserved strictly for cases such as serial crimes like murder and violent sexual assaults. Even then extreme caution on the part of the prosecution, the investigators and anyone else involved must be observed. Because there will always be cases where the suspects innocence or guilt is questioned. I think the most revealing thing I've learned is that in reality people are not found to be innocent but rather not guilty - big difference.
About Death Penalty
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About Death Penalty
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Makayla Darnell Dead: Newborn Killed After Dog Attack At Ohio Home
There is no question that this is a heartbreaking tragedy on so many levels and my heart goes out to this family and every other family that has had to endure such a horrible ordeal. There are no words that can either describe the pain they must surely be feeling nor can be expressed to ease the sorrow for them.
There is also no question that this issue of dog attacks and more specifically those committed by a Pit Bull or Put Bull mix is such a volatile subject. It is extremely unfortunate that all too often when these articles appear in the news, advocates on both sides of this issue do speak out and it can regrettably appear to overshadow the true tragedy that is the death of an innocent human being.
I personally respect the opinion of every person on both sides, we all have the right to express them. When commenting here, I speak only for myself and for no other. I believe my commentary here on this forum is a direct representation of me as a person and I have tried to be as respectful as humanly possible to each and every person I choose to interact with regardless of the subject or their position.
I have expressed my feelings and have decided to make this post as a public request to the commentator known as Gasparilla to please leave me alone, as continued discussion is pointless and serves no purpose beyond harassment.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Makayla Darnell Dead: Newborn Killed After Dog Attack At Ohio Home
This is from their Fact Sheet:
A CDC study on fatal dog bites lists the breeds involved in fatal attacks over 20 years (Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998 ). It does not identify specific breeds that are most likely to bite or kill, and thus is not appropriate for policy-making decisions related to the topic. Each year, 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs. These bites result in approximately 16 fatalities; about 0.0002 percent of the total number of people bitten. These relatively few fatalities offer the only available information about breeds involved in dog bites. There is currently no accurate way to identify the number of dogs of a particular breed, and consequently no measure to determine which breeds are more likely to bite or kill.
Unfortunately a lot folks don’t click on links. Here is the conclusion:
Conclusions—Although fatal attacks on humans appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type dogs and Rottweiler’s), other breeds may bite and cause fatalities at higher rates. Because of difficulties inherent in determining a dog’s breed with certainty, enforcement of breed-specific ordinances raises constitutional and practical issues. Fatal attacks represent a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, therefore, should not be the primary factor driving public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practical alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites. (J Am Vet Med Assoc2000;217:836–840)
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Makayla Darnell Dead: Newborn Killed After Dog Attack At Ohio Home
Before I get accused of putting canine before human, I do feel that more can and should be done in the area of child assistance. Regarding those of us who choose to get involved with supporting animals and animal rights, we all have our own personal reasons. Due to my position as a Human Resource Manager for the Army, I also worked for many years as a court appointed advocate for both women and children who have been abused. It is not strictly a civilian problem, it is just not so widely publicized.
I chose to work as a volunteer for various satellite agencies for the ASPCA. There is a lot of funding for the agencies that provide the advocacy for abused women and children that comes from both state and federal levels. The primary (all of it in most cases) funding received for the support of animals and animal rights comes from charitable donations from the private sector.
Finally, I also chose to leave the advocacy programs for women and children ONLY because there are so many rules, regulations and restrictions from the courts that actually hinder progress for many of these children by forcing us to leave them in the deplorable situations because more and more the courts are ruling in favor of NOT breaking up the family unit.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
Makayla Darnell Dead: Newborn Killed After Dog Attack At Ohio Home
I have a female Pit that does that, lol Chases everything in the back yard and I have about 10 acres for her chase whatever in. Never catches anything, just loves to run. Unlike a few other folks that live around here, both my dogs stay in the yard and are never out there unless someone is watching them. Too many folks around these parts think that just because we live out in the country that they can just open their doors and let their dogs run regardless of size or breed. I've already had words with most of them, once I track down the owners.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012
Despite Huge Facebook User Pool, Millions Still Say, 'No, Thanks'
F/F It is very refreshing to find someone who appears to share my basic idea about Facebook. As a genealogist I totally love the resources that FB opens up for me. It is really amazing the number of cities, municipalities, counties, etc that have now created Facebook Pages. A lot of them are trying to attract new business, tourists, ec and it makes sense. I've been with Facebook since 07 and have truly enjoyed being able to stay in contact with all of my family members that are strung out all over the U. S. as well as overseas.
While totally respect the idea of sticking primarily to emails, I think the instant interaction provided by Facebook between myself and some of my Kaplan Classmates is almost an irreplacable asset, especially when we are students attending the same class, working on the same project but living all over the world.
These are only two of my personal reasons for promoting Facebook.
About AP
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Monday, May 14, 2012
Unseen: Trailblazing Military Women Forced To Fight For Recognition, Equal Treatment
You sort of turn a deaf ear to it after awhile, not that it always works because it still hurts. When I first went in back in 77, most of the guys treated me as if I were a slut of a dyke, I was told it was because 'nice girls don't join the Army.' I've even recently encountered one individual who seems to believe that because I do not have a Selective Service Number my service is not equal to that of a man. I was told that because I chose to be there that I was still 'collecting on the free ride that was bought and paid for by the blood and flesh of male soldiers.'
About Afghanistan
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Sunday, May 13, 2012
Jesse Lee Peterson, Conservative Preacher, Says Women's Voting Rights 'One Of America's Greatest Mistakes'
My comments on this board or any other are not provided as a means of attacking anyone on a personal level unless I feel as I have been so attacked. Rather, my participation here and elsewhere is strictly centered on the idea of interactive debate based on the subject matter and to submit a different point of view. I do not generalize people into groups based on the actions [words] of another or attempt to read into what is stated in the post.
Reading your post, viewed strictly in light of the terminology, it would appear that you subscribe to the ideology that women by virtue of having been born female are for all practical purposes something very close to a burden on society. Interesting.
The core issue of feminism is...
Due to post limitations, further reading available here
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
Rodney Alcala: 'The Dating Game Killer' To Face New York Murder Charges
I do not disagree with you. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perception, it took nearly 10 years for laws such as Victims Rights to be enacted. It wasn't until 2004 that those Rights were expanded upon in that the victims now have the right to be informed and notified of all matters relating to the accused. If an accused is set to be released, victims can now petition the courts to take whatever action necessary to see that they are not released. Additionally, victims can now appear before parole boards in order to present their case in the matter of the parole. Victims include survivors and the survivors of those victims that have been murdered by the accused. There are many factors reviewed now than there were in 1974, thankfully. Our justice system is not perfect, it is continually evolving based on cases like this one.
About Serial Killers
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Jesse Lee Peterson, Conservative Preacher, Says Women's Voting Rights 'One Of America's Greatest Mistakes'
Having viewed the content of the link you provided, I respect your choice of presentation on the subject of Feminism. However, the fact that others capitalized on the idea is not the defining element of Feminism but rather an economical move on the part of those who saw something that could not be stopped. The primary difference between understanding Feminism and not understanding it is the misconception that only women are Feminists.
About Power
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Jesse Lee Peterson, Conservative Preacher, Says Women's Voting Rights 'One Of America's Greatest Mistakes'
The real tragedy with this is the fact that there are others who will subscribe to this absurdity.
“The Idiocy of Jesse Lee Peterson”
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Jesse Lee Peterson, Conservative Preacher, Says Women's Voting Rights 'One Of America's Greatest Mistakes'
Although it is not on the immediate horizon, that day is inevitable. However, the primary point that you are clearly missing is that it is the general population, not the fact that women do not want to serve that has historically made it clear that they do not want to see women drafted into the military.
When I entered the U.S. Army in 1977 there were very few occupational specialties that were actually available to women. This was essentially due to the additional consideration of the very limited availability of the unit of assignment. This was strictly due to the very distinct possibility that their unit could possibly be deployed to a combat zone.
Retired Female U.S. Army Veteran and Proud of it! By the way, I also vote!
About Power
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Monday, May 7, 2012
Best Buy Employee Allegedly Outs Straight Customer On Facebook
This is an open forum and I do make every attempt to be respectful of others regardless of how or who they present themselves to be, that's their business.
However, I did not use the term 'friends' when I mentioned the two individuals who were fired shortly after the gay rumors began. I knew who they were but I did not know them as 'friends'. I did not blame gays for starting the rumor. I have no idea what the religious beliefs are of those that worked there because I did not associate with any of them outside of work, it's just not good policy in my opinion. There are three individual items where you read into my comment.
Furthermore, it has been my experience that it is not a persons religious or spiritual beliefs that result in the telling of lies. I've been lied to by those who profess everything from various different religions to having none.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Georgia Abortion Bill, Assisted Suicide Ban Signed By Governor Nathan Deal
The article provided links to outside unbiased sources, regardless most will believe what they choose irrespective of the consequences. Interestingly enough this topic has been covered from various news sources not connected to Huffington Post.
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Georgia Abortion Bill, Assisted Suicide Ban Signed By Governor Nathan Deal
The article provided links to outside unbiased sources. Sadly, you’ll believe what you want regardless of the consequences.
However, here’s a different source not connected to Huffington Post. Some people do pay attention in class.
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