Reaching across cultural boundries here Sparky... "To take no action is an action" And while silence may be golden, there are times when "What you don't say, says volumes more than what you did say." Nope not reading anything into what you said, just got a bit of a chuckle out of it and thought I would share it. However, what I do have to say is this: I am not the Government
, I am a citizen; I am also an advocate of the Freedom of Speech. Having said all of that, I also firmly believe that we are all responsibl
e for our actions and the knowledge that there is a cause and effect that is very relative to speech. Personally I don't care who you are in the grand scheme of things, however the fact is that you choose to put yourself out there (even those of us who choose to be here on this particular network) in front of an audience, be responsibl
e for your words before you say them. Because back-peddl
ing for damage control rarely fixes anything - not completely
About Barack ObamaRead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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