There was a time when I thought that Facebook was the best thing going on the internet, but times have changed. I really hate the ticker they've put in the upper right corner of the page. It really gets in the way of a lot of things but primarily the games from Playdom. Adding this to user pages seems to me to be a bit self-defeating in that since Facebook is free [of heartburn] and the games themselves are actually free for the most part, there are still a lot of times when players will spend money to play them. I know that I have paid for points in some of the games I used to play. Playdom is a financial contributor to Facebook which to my understanding is why it remain free for the average person to continue using it.
Personally, if they truly want people to continue to support Playdom by actually paying out real dollars from time to time, they need to consult a little more with the designers of these games before they add things that severely hamper the players ability to play the games. It's just my take on it but I do know a number of others who have stopped playing the games for this exact reason, some have actually left Facebook over it. That is a leap that I'm not ready to take as of yet.
While I'm very open to change, I would also like to option to opt-out of certain changes once I've tried them and find that they just don't seem to fit with my personal style of using a specific program of application. After all, how do you know if you're going to like something unless you give it a chance. There are so many things that work great in theory and on paper but when they are actually put to the test, sometimes they just bomb out.
When I look up at the right corner of my Facebook page and see the streaming line of information about who is playing what game so many seconds ago or who said what to whomever or 'liked' so-and-so's comment, I find myself think "Who really cares?" I know I don't. I'm not in High School anymore, I don't need to know who is doing what every single minute of the day. If I want to know something, I'll go to that persons' page and see for myself or I'll message them and ask them.
The other problem I have with the changes that show up on Facebook is that they show up too many and too fast, you can hardly get used to one thing and then there's another change that makes whatever you did moot as far as getting around in Facebook. Just my opinion and experience.
I think the key issue that Facebook overlooks is the fact that the general public desires options and choices about things, especially when it comes to the way we interact with each other. One of the things I did in self-defense of both the changes that come from Facebook and from certain individuals themselves was to create lists. Using lists make it seriously easier to keep up with those you have a closer relationship with such as family, I find that I miss less updates using the lists than before which makes me happier.
Then you have those [even family members] who just don't really have anything to say so they post picture message after picture message after picture message which takes up sooooo much space on your wall when you sign in. I would have to arrow down for quite a ways just to be able to start reading the personal comments from people. Then you have those that get one either a political or religious soapbox and that's about all you can expect from them when it comes to posts. I'm all for freedom of speech but it does get bothersome after a while on Facebook.
Then you have the ones that are on Facebook every single day. You know exactly what they are doing from the time they get up and brush their teeth until they've watched the 11 pm News and have decided to go to bed! I don't want everyone to know exactly what I'm doing every minute of every day! Then there are the fools [yes I said fools!] that actually post that they are going on vacation and will be out of state for the of whatever! Hello! You might as well leave a key under the front door mat. Even posting that you're going to be running around doing errands all day while hubby is at work and the kids are at school!
Yahoo is another sore spot with me. I really don't care for that particular service. To each his/her own I guess because there are a large number of people who use it and they post every article they read on Facebook! I have in the past posted certain articles on Facebook but have since changed my personal policy on that for the same reason I hate sifting through all the [personally viewed as] unnecessary postings.
I remember at one point I made a comment to friend that sometimes when I sign onto Facebook it is hard to tell whether I've just entered a political rally or a religious convention! Too much and in the wrong space in my opinion. If you want to rant about something, start a blog or create a page specifically for that purpose.
All in all however I still do love Facebook because it allows me to stay connected with my family members that are spread out all over the country. Having lived in Texas, California and Alaska I also have friends that are still living in those states and it's really great to stay up with what they're doing. As a student with an online University I am meeting all kinds of really cool people from all over the world and love the fact the Facebook allows me to communicate with them outside of academic environment and possibly make a really great new friend. So, yes there are a multitude of reasons that I will continue to use Facebook but I have seriously altered the way I use it.
Facebook User Growth Continues To Slow Down