Monday, June 11, 2012

Alan Simpson Fires Off Angry Letter To HuffPost

One of the biggest jokes in history has often portrayed the irresponsibility of government spending through various [not so] humorous remarks such as “You didn’t really think they spent $30,000.00 on a toilet seat or $40,000.00 on a hammer did you?” While just as [not so]comical if pictured within the realm of political satire, the government can be seen placing American tax dollars into a well-worn sieve whose holes have grown larger with time and [mis]use.


Grateful Dead: Washington Spends Taxpayer Dollars on Deceased (Published:Oct 2010)

"With the midterm elections looming on Tuesday and the federal deficit soaring to record highs, politicians across the country have been emphasizing the need to cut wasteful government spending in Washington. They might consider putting a stop to sending money to dead people.

In the last decade the government has sent over $1 billion to approximately 250,000 dead people, according to a new report from Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma."

Social Security pays millions to dead people (Published: Sept 2011)

"NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- While many Americans worry that the Social Security Administration won't have enough money left to pay their benefits when they retire, the agency is doling out millions of dollars to people who aren't even alive."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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