Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ron Johnson: High-Capacity Magazines Are A Constitutional Right (VIDEO)

With all due respect to your position, we do not live in a world where the largest threat is an armed invasion of ground troops from another country such as existed at the time the various amendments were written and thus installed as our current Bill of Rights. We live in a world where this threat can actually be our neighbor, all because he or she perceived a threat based on some moronic ideology that we just might not believe exactly the way that they do.

Personally I don’t want the ‘standing army’ coming into my town with any form of control in mind. I don’t even want the National Guard of this State doing the same. I don’t want them requisitioning my land as an encampment all because they have some stamp of approval from some level of government.

I live on 40 acres in a very rural community where law enforcement is so shorthanded that getting assistance can be a hit or miss situation depending on what is going on in the county. Out here we simply batten down the hatches when the sun goes down and stay alert. We do this because of the close proximity of two vocal unsanctioned and heavily armed private militia groups that nobody seems to be able to do anything about because so far they haven’t broken any laws.
About Aurora Shooting
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Ron Johnson: High-Capacity Magazines Are A Constitutional Right (VIDEO)

Even as a gun advocate I don’t feel that individual citizens actually need a magazine that contains 100 rounds. I also do not believe that tightening gun control will make a marked difference in who is able to obtain weapons of any kind. Thousands, if not more, illegal weapons are shipped into this country and are confiscated yearly by the ATF. Yet there are thousands more that make it into the hands of both criminals as well as those who have been caught in the red tape of gun laws and deemed not authorized to purchase a weapon.

When crimes are committed with an illegally purchased weapon, the ability of law enforcement to trace it and ultimately locate the offender is severely hampered, whereas weapons that were purchased legally at least do provide a more feasible starting point.

While my household has four weapons, one handgun each, a rifle and a shotgun, there are so many others who hide what can only be described as an arsenal of weapons and ammunition. These arsenals include high powered weapons that go well beyond the need for hunting purposes.
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President Obama's Statement On Ramadan

As a strong supporter of Separation of Church and State I can sincerely appreciate what you’re saying. Over the years however I have come to see some things a little differently and reached the concession that while the Christian religion may very well be the predominant religion, we as a nation are made up of many beliefs and cultures. Personally I believe that our diversity is one of the strengths of our nation. It is important for the President to at least ‘acknowledge’ the most important part of the lives of those he is supposed to be governing.

I would agree that if the President is going to comment on one religious holiday or event, then it should follow that comments be made concerning all of them. This should be accomplished without any demonstration of support for one specific belief over another, which in my opinion lays the ground work in crossing the line between Separation of Church and State.

The key factor in my reaching this conclusion is that Christianity is the accepted religious belief in this country and there are certain events regarding this particular belief that the President is expected to participate in. Examples are the official lighting of the National Christmas Tree which was started by President Coolidge in 1923 and the Easter Egg Roll has a history dating back to 1878. Both of which are Christian events.
About Ramadan
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Latino Advertising Can Alienate Non-Latinos, Study Says

I agree. I'm white and totally understand the need for 'target specific' advertizing, whether it is a race, a gender or whatever issue. Personally, I don't care where people come from, if they are all here through due process, in the end we are all Americans with a voice when it comes to deciding who will sit in the White House.
About Photo Galleries
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ohio Voters Unhappy With Obama-Romney Choice

I also feel that a lot more could have been accomplished these past 3 years if the GOP wasn't so determined to block everything.

Obama 2012!
About Barack Obama 2012
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Alan Simpson Fires Off Angry Letter To HuffPost

Interesting analysis, especially when history has proven that the ‘Fiat Currency System’ has been a failure since the time of the Romans. It hasn’t been any different here in today’s use of the same financial structure, to the point that today’s dollars are no different than the continentals issued during the Revolutionary War. The only aspect of fiat currencies that have stood the test of time is the inability of political systems to prevent the devaluation and debasement of this ‘toilet paper’ money by letting the printing presses run wild.

“Why would it need payroll taxes, or any other form of revenue/income to spend when it can issue all the currency it needs whenever it needs?” That is an interesting statement in view of the fact if it were that simple we would not be suffering the current economic downturn. Printing/issuing currency ‘as needed’ only serves to devalue it even more by creating an inflationary status because currency is nothing more than just a piece of paper that represents something of value. Increasing the amount of currency without increasing the value it represents just makes the currency worth less than when you started.

Bottom line, Fiat or not, taxes are a part of the system and they are not going away. As long as the Federal Government requires citizens to pay these taxes under the premise that they [the taxes] are being used to pay for benefits there remains the need to properly manage said funds.
About Republicans
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