Sunday, July 22, 2012

President Obama's Statement On Ramadan

As a strong supporter of Separation of Church and State I can sincerely appreciate what you’re saying. Over the years however I have come to see some things a little differently and reached the concession that while the Christian religion may very well be the predominant religion, we as a nation are made up of many beliefs and cultures. Personally I believe that our diversity is one of the strengths of our nation. It is important for the President to at least ‘acknowledge’ the most important part of the lives of those he is supposed to be governing.

I would agree that if the President is going to comment on one religious holiday or event, then it should follow that comments be made concerning all of them. This should be accomplished without any demonstration of support for one specific belief over another, which in my opinion lays the ground work in crossing the line between Separation of Church and State.

The key factor in my reaching this conclusion is that Christianity is the accepted religious belief in this country and there are certain events regarding this particular belief that the President is expected to participate in. Examples are the official lighting of the National Christmas Tree which was started by President Coolidge in 1923 and the Easter Egg Roll has a history dating back to 1878. Both of which are Christian events.
About Ramadan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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