Thursday, May 16, 2013

Jodi Arias Death Wish Not Sincere, Travis Alexander's Friends Say

The primary advantage I see in going ahead and sentencing her to Death is that (under normal circumstances) the average stay on Death Row is about 10 – 12 years, while some are longer. Inmates on Death Row do not have the socialization ‘enjoyed’ by the prisons general population. I agree with the sentiments expressed by Travis’ friends in that if Jodi has actually been threatening suicide since high school and has not accomplished it yet then she really has no intentions of taking her own life. By going ahead and sentencing her to Death, she will lose what she craves most in life. Her only contact will be her guards, there will be nobody to manipulate, to tell her wild tales to, or to seek pity from.

Every state runs its’ prisons differently based mostly associated with funding and other cost cutting measures. However, as a criminal justice student I am not only concerned with the process of justice that is carried out within the court system but the eventual end of that process and what it really means in the name of justice, for the victims and our society as a whole. With that in mind I would like to share the following link (supposedly) written by an inmate on Death Row in a Texas prison. Personally (if true) I find it a very fitting outcome for Jodi Arias.

“Life on Death Row: An Inmate’s Perspective”
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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