Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Brett Seacat Guilty Of First-Degree Murder, Kansas Seeks 'Hard 50' Sentence

I realize that there are always the chance for a fluke to occur. Yet at the same time in my opinion the fact that this woman exhibited an apparent sincere desire to get on with her life following an understandable period of depression that normally follows the realization that your marriage is over gives me cause to believe that this was a homicide and not a suicide.

That coupled with the fact that according to some psychologists and criminologists suicidal women tend to kill themselves by medical overdose, poison or slitting their wrists in the bathtub to prevent someone else from having to clean up after them. Additionally, it also very rare that these women would either one: include their children in the suicide or two: endanger them by burning down the house.

Historically women with children who have reached the point where suicide is the answer will customarily take their children to the home of a relative or close friend because they don't want their children to be the ones who discover their body.

I do believe that this jury reached the appropriate verdict.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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