Saturday, December 29, 2012
Journal News To List More Gun Permit Holders After Uproar
Journal News to List More Gun Permit Holders After Uproar
Over the years there have been countless times when one must call into question the ethical practices of journalism. I find myself at that point yet again. In the wake of the massacre in Newtown, CT it seems to me that there are those journalists who have made the choice to capitalize on the blended emotions of both fear and anger. The unfortunate result of such action will do nothing to assist in the ability of proponents and opponents to actually engage in a productive discourse for the purpose of finding a workable solution.
The publication 'Journal News' with two offices located in Westchester, New York and Bronx, New York has deemed it prudent to publish the names and addresses of those citizens that have gun permits. A decision that I for one can only see as a grave mistake. Primarily because this tactic falls squarely in the category of what I call 'exacting a pound of flesh in the name of justice' verses serving any real purpose. The obvious misconception in this ideology is that these permits are for hand guns only as there are currently no requirements for a permit when it comes to a rifle of any kind. Beyond the breech of privacy, the reality of this situation is that publishing this information puts many other innocent people at risk.
Modern media is no longer restricted to the printed form or available through your favorite local news station. In the face of a growing number of news outlets, many of these sources have placed a much higher value on ratings and circulation verses accuracy and the quality of the content, ethical practices have long since fallen by the wayside. All of this is further complicated by the far reaching effects of the availability of the internet and the growing use of social media.
Law enforcement makes no effort to hide the fact that they use information obtained through social media networks such as Facebook in the process of investigating criminal activity. Although accomplished anonymously, the criminal element is quite prolific at collecting and using the same sources and information.
Publishing the names and addresses of those who have legally obtained permits for hand guns will accomplish one of two things and neither will be beneficial to the reasoning behind the action. Guns are relatively easy to fence with a decent profit which will result in yet another weapon entering the abyss of non-registered, untraceable weapons out on the streets. The second scenario is simply that burglars now know which house has a lower probability of containing weapons, which is appealing to the small time burglar who is only interested in the high dollar televisions, stereos, computers, etc. and wants no confrontation with an armed homeowner.
Once considered the battle cry of journalists everywhere, the 'right to know' has become a weapon against the 'right to privacy' by supporters of gun control. In this same context, freedom of speech has degenerated to the choice between ethics and ratings when it comes to the media.
About Guns
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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