Thank you for your brilliant deduction Einstein. Where in my post did I advocate taking the guns away from private citizens? Both sides on this issue must work together to reach a solution that is in the best interest of the community/nation as a whole. This means not going from one extreme to the other. I am advocating that stricter legislation be put in place that governs the sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines regardless of the weapon. Posting guards with machine guns at the schools will not be in the best interest of the emotional well-being of our children.
I have already advocated that as a taxpayer within my own community I am willing to pay higher taxes for the purpose of installing more sensitive screening/scanning equipment at the entrances of the schools. This includes the hiring of plain clothed armed trained security and to have a plan in place that is fully understood by the entire school staff. Any person attempting to enter the school should be required to prove that they have a valid reason for being there and must show proof of that that validity.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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