Saturday, February 4, 2012

Emma Wise, Former Rhode Island Teacher, Accused Of Giving Alcohol To Minors (VIDEO)

The comments on this article show a pretty wide variety of attitudes and reactions to what this teacher has done. I graduated high school in 1977 and will admit that throughout my school years I found various teachers who were attractive­, but not to the point that I even thought about them beyond the fact that they were my teachers. These are individual­s that we were taught to respect as persons in authority positions, people we were supposed to look up to and trust.

I realize that all of that has different meaning to many people today, although I have not changed my personal viewpoint. When people choose this profession they need to recognize and to accept the fact that they are entering a profession that is by its very nature one that shapes the minds thus the attitudes of the children of our nation, the people who will one day be the teachers, doctors, scientists­, senators and congresspe­rsons.

Simply because it is the place where these young people spend so much of their time during their most vulnerable and formative years, that I personally place a great deal of responsibi­lity square on the shoulders of those within the educationa­l system and primarily the teachers.

This teacher and others who have committed these types of [and other more heinous] crimes have violated that trust, the trust of the child, the parents and the community. It is a trend that must be taken seriously and stricter punishment­s mandated without hesitation­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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