Monday, February 27, 2012

Mark Byron's Facebook Posts About Estranged Wife Lead To Odd Choice

First I want to state that I am personally not in agreement with any of what has happened regarding this issue and completely sympathize with your logic. I believe that Mark Byron displayed nothing more than poor judgment. However laws are written in “specific content” and not “implied content”. Laws relating to the internet are still evolving within the judicial system for various reasons, privacy issues being at the top.

Most everyone should be aware of the fact that privacy on Facebook is a complete oxymoron, even more so now that Facebook has introduced ‘Frictionless Apps’ with their new Timeline. The greatest fallacy concerning Facebook is the belief that Mark Zuckerberg created it as a Social Networking Site. It is nothing more than a tool devised as a means of herding the general population toward any marketer looking for a potential customer base.

The flipside of this issue is that blocked or not, all Byron’s ex-wife had to do was Google him and she could very well have been able to pull up his Facebook page and read it for herself; which in my opinion puts her in contempt of the same court order. Google your own name, see what comes up.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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