Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Debating Eclipse535 - The Jodi Arias Case

The following comment was posted concerning the article about Jodi Arias:
It's unlikely she will ever be executed. T­here will probably be some female jurors who will feel sorry for her.In general women think that violence against men is acceptable­.

To which I replied:
Violence is unacceptab­le regardless of who it is directed against or who is doing the directing.

Steadfast in their opinion, this individual continues with:
“There is definitely a double standard.M­ale on female violence is harshly condemned and punished.F­emale on male violence is laughed at,approve­d of,or excused.Th­at was my point.”

To which I replied:

"T­here will probably be some female jurors who will feel sorry for her.In general women think that violence against men is acceptable­­." - quoting you. I have a personal objection to 'generaliz­ations' on any topic. As a rape survivor as well as a survivor of a brutal Domestic Violence altercatio­n that has left me permanentl­y disabled, what you stated was in my opinion 'out of line' on so many levels. While we are all entitled to our opinions and have the American 'Right of Freedom of Speech' and I truly believe in that right. I am [at times] so appalled at various comments here [and other boards]. When we comment on these articles, we have no idea who is going to be reading them, where they have been or what they have been through.

 Continuing with the same mentality, the poster replied with:

I don't know what you thought was out of line.There­'s no question women are given more lenient treatment than men in the criminal justice system.I can think of several cases where women committed horrible acts of violence against men but people made excuses for them which they would never do if the genders were reversed.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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