Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mark Byron's Facebook Posts About Estranged Wife Lead To Odd Choice

I realize that the greater majority of us have at least once or twice heard the old saying “Say it Forget It – Write it Regret It.”

While I personally feel that an individuals’ Facebook page should have the same privacy rights as does a piece of mail sent via the U.S. Postal Service. I also feel that the invasion of an individual Facebook page should be protected under the same ‘search and seizure’ laws as described in the Fourth Amendment.

Simply because if I take the time to read all of their rules, regulations, requirements and what nots concerning how to properly use my privacy settings to include deactivating the ‘friend feed’ which is new, then I have clearly stated that this is not ‘for public consumption’ period. But it is not that way.

Facebook itself has not been as cooperative [in my opinion] as they should be in regards to the privacy settings that are constantly changing, a fact that warranted an investigation by the FCC. Unfortunately Facebook was not, is not and never will be anything more than a money making tool for Zuckerberg and nothing else.

There is only one way to get this barefoot CEO to listen is to stop using Facebook. Even if it was just for one week, he would lose more money in that week than most of us will see in our life time.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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